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R10- DNA Test Kit

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Screen Kit R10

Il kit LensHooke® R10, grazie alla nuova tecnologia di denaturazione in-gel, consente una preparazione del campione in soli 40 minuti, riducendo del 40% il tempo necessario rispetto alle altre tecniche.

La qualità dei vetrini pretrattati, garantisce un’immagine HD per ridurre gli errori causati dal problema della soggettività di interpretazione tra diversi operatori.

  • Operation Time: 40 minutes
  • Operation Environment: 59~100°F
  • Storage Environment: 36~46°F
  • Shelf Life: Sealed for 18 months & Opened for 3 months

Content Includes (10 Test / Box)

  • DNA Denaturant Reagent: Hydrochloric acid, 2 mL
  • Lysis Solution: Reducing agent, 15 ml
  • Stain Solution A: Wright-Giemsa dve. 14 mL
  • Stain Solution B: Phosphate, 14 mL
  • Microcentrifuge Tubes with Agarose Gel: Low melting point agarose gel, 50 uL
  • Microcentrifuge Tubes with Agarose Gel(for Quality Control): Low melting point agarose gel, 0.3 mL
  • Pretreated glass slide: Normal-melting agarose gel
  • Float: 6 cm
  • Operation Time: 40 minutes
  • Operation Environment: 59~100°F
  • Storage Environment: 36~46°F
  • Shelf Life: Sealed for 18 months & Opened for 3 months

Content Includes (10 Test / Box)

  • DNA Denaturant Reagent: Hydrochloric acid, 2 mL
  • Lysis Solution: Reducing agent, 15 ml
  • Stain Solution A: Wright-Giemsa dve. 14 mL
  • Stain Solution B: Phosphate, 14 mL
  • Microcentrifuge Tubes with Agarose Gel: Low melting point agarose gel, 50 uL
  • Microcentrifuge Tubes with Agarose Gel(for Quality Control): Low melting point agarose gel, 0.3 mL
  • Pretreated glass slide: Normal-melting agarose gel
  • Float: 6 cm

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